Lysing Matrix Z, Bulk

2.0 mm spherical, Yttria-stabilized Zirconium Oxide grinding beads that are chemically inert and will not bind nucleic acids. This is a component of Lysing Matrix Z Tubes. Lysing Matrix Z is used primarily for lysis of animal and plant tissue, tougher stems, roots and seeds, and whole insects. Matrix Z is an alternative to the very aggressive Matrix A because its lower shear rate minimizes degradation in applications such as RNA and Protein isolation from very tough tissue.

2.0 mm spherical, Yttria-stabilized Zirconium Oxide grinding beads that are chemically inert and will not bind nucleic acids. This is a component of Lysing Matrix Z Tubes

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Select Package Size

1 x 500g, 1 x 1kg


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RP_SPECIFICATION.pdf English (United States) 141SS

Safety Data Sheet

Document: Language: Size:
RP_SAFETYDATASHEET.pdf English (United States) 889 KB
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